If you want to start a new pet business, launch a profitable side gig, or are ready to expand your current pet business and attract more clients and money, the Six-Figure Pet Business Academy™ online learning center is here to help you catapult to success. Right now.
These anytime access online courses are designed especially for pet business owners and they will help you:
- Get the results you want and need from your pet business – right now
- Create a clear, smooth path forward if you feel lost or overwhelmed due to the pandemic
- Grow your pet business, your client list, and your profits
- Stay on track to reach your business goals
- Receive support to build the kind of pet business that works for your lifestyle
- Create a balanced life, one where are thriving while doing work you love
The courses contained in this empowering online learning center will help you discover what your pet business needs to run smoothly, make money, and expand when you’re ready.
The Six-Figure Pet Business Academy™ online courses are designed for:
- Pet Sitters
- Dog Walkers
- Dog Trainers
- Pet Groomers
- Dog Daycare Owners
If you are ready to own or grow a wildly profitable and smoothly run pet business, you will learn how with these online courses from Six-Figure Pet Business Academy™.
What Pet Business Owners Are Saying About Six-Figure Pet Business Academy™ Online Courses:

Ready to Get Started?
- Plan and launch your lucrative side gig, part-time or full-time pet business in just a week.
- Attract your ideal clients using many low-cost ( and even free!) marketing strategies.
- Learn how to intentionally grow your business and your bottom line.
- Move powerfully forward and bring your pet business idea to life or discover how to create a solid foundation to enable unlimited growth.
What Pet Business Owners Are Saying About the "Start Your Pet Sitting and Dog Walking Business in 7 Days" Online Course:

Ready to Take Control of Your Pet Business and Life?
- Stop the struggle and simplify your pet business to create work/life balance.
- Hire the right staff members who will help you keep up with demand and move forward.
- Attract more of your ideal clients to make your business more enjoyable and profitable.
The best part? You’ll have unlimited, lifetime access and you can start whenever you like and wherever you’re at the world.
Here’s what others are saying about the CATAPULT! 4-Week Pet Business Program…
“I have seen an increase in clients—6 new clients this week alone. It is amazing to me!”

“Writing down goals for all aspects of my business was very important. I have now been able to set objectives to achieve these goals.”

“I’ve gotten more organized and am getting a better handle on my business finances.”

“What I got out of the CATAPULT! Program was clarity and motivation to get my business out of the ‘stand still’ that it seemed to be in.”

“This has energized me and given me a whole new level of excitement and confidence in my business.”

“It is nice to know that other pet business owners are having the same questions and issues as I am, or will have. You can learn so much from sharing with other pet business owners.”

“I got stuck in a rut and now I’m feeling motivated to make changes in my business.”

“The CATAPULT! Program provides a great forum for sharing ideas and learning new techniques, helping us get through some of the huge stumbling blocks like hiring employees!”

“I got more structure and balance in my life and business. I also received motivation to move forward and take action on the things that have been holding me back.”

“I wanted to learn how to make the shift to working ON my business rather than IN my business, and I got that and more by attending the CATAPULT! Pet Business Program.”

“I have been in business for 7 years and found myself experiencing extreme burnout and having to work 24/7 to keep it running. The CATAPULT! Program changed my life & turned my business around!”

“I was starting to feel stuck in my business as far as where to go next and this class has helped to give me some direction.”

“I have made some changes in my business, including having an action plan each day which includes time for fun and business.”

“I really enjoyed talking to other pet business owners from across the United States who were in the group. I am now setting goals for my business and life.”

“I have clear direction and am aware of the actions I need to take and who I need to contact for support, attorney, payroll services, etc. The most valuable piece for me was your advice and connecting with my accountability partner.”

“I never imagined my attitude could change so much in just four weeks regards to my dog walking business. I have taken actions in the last four weeks that I have wanted to take for years. I have so much more clarity in what my business offers, and I am more confident moving forward with our marketing plan than I ever thought possible! I would absolutely recommend this program to my pet business friends, and I have! My good friend, and fellow dog walking business owner, took the class with me and has been raving about how much it exceeded his expectations.”

“The experience of taking the time and mapping out my business and life through the questionnaire you provided for the Catapult program was impactful. At first blush I did not think I had challenges with certain areas. After processing the questions for a day, I realized there were areas I simply had no answer, because I did not have time for them or avoided/put them off. Looking at all facets of my life and pet business - and the alignment of these, was eye-opening.”

“The most valuable thing I gained from the Catapult Program was clearer thinking in regards to my goals. I enjoyed having an action partner and the support of the group, along with your expert guidance, Kristin. I am getting better at setting weekly goals and evaluating them. I know that if I complete my goals I will gain more clients and more money. I would most definitely recommend this program to pet business owners.”

“I learned to become more focused in my intentions regarding my pet business. I feel much more clear about how to get things done because of the goal setting workbook you provided. Meeting with the others in the group was a tremendously rewarding experience. I would absolutely recommend the Catapult Program.”

"I just wanted to give a huge thanks to you! I took the Catapult Pet Business Success Program last December and it completely changed how I saw my business and it shows this year. Last year I was miserable and overworked and our team hit 85k for the whole year. This year we changed some services around, raised prices, are way happier and less overworked and one month shy of quarter 3 and we've already hit 85k! I could cry all the happy tears! Hands down that class was exactly what I needed to get my butt in gear. We’re about to celebrate our 3rd year as a business—3 years and projected to be hitting six figures because of this Catapult Program!"

Meet Your Instructor: Kristin Morrison, Pet Business Expert

Hi, pet business owner!
I wish I’d had these online courses when I started my own pet business over two decades ago. These courses are the culmination of my many years of learning the hard way—and often falling flat on my face—in order to realize what works (and what really doesn’t work!) when it comes to running a successful, stress-free, profitable pet business.
Over the course of nearly two decades running my pet business, I hired over 250 people. When I sold my business , I had 35 staff members and 4 managers. I’ve also coached thousands of pet business owners from around the world I know a lot about starting, running, and growing a pet business and I’m excited to help you do the same through these courses.
Now is your opportunity to bypass the stress and overwhelm of starting or expanding your pet business. Whether you’re looking to create a business, attract great clients, hire better staff, or make the transition from independent contractors to hiring employees, everything you need to succeed on your business journey is contained in these courses. I’ve created each course from the vast knowledge I’ve gained through not only running my own business but from coaching thousands of pet business owners from across globe.
Watch. Listen. Learn. Earn.
It’s that easy.