See what pet business owners are saying about these online courses:

“I was very excited about your course “How to Start a Pet Sitting & Dog Walking Business in 7 Days” and have already finished it!
Overall, the course exceeded my expectations. It was put together very well – in a way that kept my attention throughout and was very easy to comprehend. I especially liked the resources page that contained all the links of your recommendations. I also really liked how you went over the ins & outs of business insurance/bonding. Coincidentally, I just finished putting together my website so it was very helpful to learn about what pages you recommend. I hadn’t thought about adding on a resources page.
The course was fantastic and I will definitely be reviewing all the information and resources many times over the next couple weeks before our opening day!”
Emily Lauziere
Out of the Crate Doggie Daycare – Conshohocken, Pennsylvania

“I loved this course! I am a new pet business owner and had so many questions such as how to buy a domain, how to create a website and logo as well as what steps to take when I actually have clients. All of these questions may seem simple to some established business owners, but to me they were things I didn’t know and was unsure where to look for the answers. This course answers it all and more! I love how it is at my own pace and I can review certain sections that I had more questions on than others. The online course software was also very user friendly, loaded quickly and had perfect sound. After each course there were resources that helped even further! I’m so excited to continue to grow my business now that I have an understanding of the basics. This course also got me even more excited for the next courses I’m signed up for with Kristin!”
Malayna Torano
Dog Mom’s LLC – Tampa, Florida

“I would 100% recommend this course to new pet sitters and to those that already have a pet business! There is so much to learn! I loved the course materials that went along with this, made it really easy to take notes and follow along. I look forward to using what I learned to grow my pet sitting business!”
Sara Walker
Happy Tails Dog & Pet Services – Tracy, California

“All I can really say is” AMAZING! TOTALLY AMAZING!
The wealth of information on everything needed to be done and considered to start a pet business compressed into one week or as soon as you can possibly get each one done is phenomenal. This course covers everything to get started in a nutshell. And I appreciate that there is no pressure or time constraints to get things done, just your own motivation and determination based on where you’re at in your life. I am so excited to have the guidance to create the vision of how I want my business to be through goals and concrete actions to be successful.
I am still a newbie in the process of starting my pet business but step-by-step videos of what feels like one-on-one coaching certainly takes it to another level. There’s so much information to absorb and always something new to pick up in the process. If you’ve never had your own business before, this course will definitely get you off the ground and running and knowing where you’re going. Thank you, Kristin, for such an awesome gift and sharing your vast knowledge and world of experience to benefit all of us learning to prosper doing what we love with pets.”
Kamakani Kaleo
New Pet Sitter and Dog Walker – Honolulu, Hawaii

“The “How to Start a Pet Sitting & Dog Walking Business in 7 Days” course is exactly what it states and is one of the most informational and useful courses that I have taken. Kristin provides a lot of great information and advice in a very clear and concise way as well as being easy to listen to. The videos being short in duration with action steps at the end also make it easy to review and retain the information. This is definitely a 5-star course and one of the best I have ever taken.”
Helena Vasicek
Whiskers and Leo Pet Care – Hudson County, New Jersey

“Very informative, step-by-step instructions on how to start your own pet business! Well laid out, easy to listen to, broken up into short segments so you can go back and finish each day if you don’t have time to watch the whole day’s worth in one sitting. Gives you daily actions to do so it’s not so overwhelming to do all at once. Love it!”
Tracie Barnhart-Scott
Colorful Chaos Frenchies – Madison, Mississippi

“This is an amazing course for brand new pet business owners!! Kristin lays out every single step so easily and is very comprehensive. I started my business a few months ago, but she points out things that I’ve never even thought about. I’m going back through all of my systems and processes to align them with the teachings I’ve learned here. If you are thinking about starting a pet business, START HERE! You will learn everything you need to know.”
Brittany Cornejo
Houston Pet People – Houston, Texas

“This course and Kristin are the answer to running your pet sitting business the right way from the start. After being in the corporate world for 30 years, running my own pet sitting business is different. Kristin is very informative and covers many aspects of starting a company and thriving from the start. She has great explanation skills and presented the ideas in a simple way. The action steps she has after each subject is concise and extremely helpful! I am an established business and this year has been like starting over again. She teaches you to have fail safe methods in place so you don’t panic like so many of us did after the pandemic. When taking this course, take notes! Also if you have questions after hearing a module, write that down too as you will find she probably answers them for you in further videos. I started using her methods right away and saw a difference in one day! Those results may not be typical for you so don’t expect that to happen but I needed to share that. I have gone over my methods and have found places I needed to change and I feel more confident going forward! AMAZING!!”
Kasey Cashio Pierce
Northshore Pet Nanny – Mandeville, Louisiana

“This course was packed full of great, usable information for starting a pet sitting or dog walking business. Specific information and applications were given and all the steps from beginning your business to launching your business were provided. I liked how the course was broken into doable segments and Action Steps were provided for each day. The resources and support provided were excellent. I especially appreciated how Kristin, the instructor, shared her experiences and what mistakes she made so we could avoid doing the same. I also appreciated how she included self-care steps throughout the course. I would highly recommend this course as it is setup well for you to achieve success.”
Amanda Eller
Pet Sitter and Dog Walker – Indianapolis, Indiana

“Kristin offers an easy-to-follow and actionable course that will help you set up and launch your new pet sitting business. She has a warm personality and makes learning the business side of pet sitting and dog walking fun and exciting. Would definitely recommend if you’re looking for a step-by-step action plan to help you in your new pet business.”
Eddie S.
Toby’s Pet Care – Fresno, California

“Kristin is so good at going step-by-step so everyone understands. She is very knowledgeable and professional. I learned things to improve my business in many ways. I’m excited to apply what I learned.”
Susan Jones
All Creatures Pet Sitting, Inc – Phoenix, Arizona

“I already have my business but there were so many great reminders in this section of things I need to do! I really appreciated the information on Day 2 and 3. Both the legal and insurance side of my business are a weakness. It helped me to check on what I already have and what I need to specifically work on. I really appreciated your information on logo and logo colors. I went right into my photo program and began playing with my logo and it’s colors! I will definitely look more in to the research done about all of that! You also motivated me to get myself moving on completing my website. There was great information on some changes I need to make on it. And I really, really love the self-care reminders all through the course! It is so very easy to forget to take care of me so thank you for that!”
Karen E. Haskins
Woof, Paws ‘n’ Claws – Northford, Connecticut

“I wish I had this before starting my business. When I opened my business I kind of just dove right in. So a lot of this information I have already established but having this guideline would have made a much easier transition. Some of the suggestions made are really important in running a business and should not be skipped over.”
Anne Kaiser
Kaiser Paws ‘N Claws – Knoxville, Tennessee

“I’m a pet care business owner that has been in business for a little while but this course was still extremely insightful and informative even for someone who is established. The videos are clear, easy to understand and I love that Kristin includes specific, achievable actions to take in order to grow your business. I plan to use all of the knowledge I learned from this course to further my business. This course is a fantastic resource to use for anyone who is starting up or already established. I wish I had this course when I was just beginning, but regardless it’s fantastic still even though I’m established! Highly recommend this course for any pet care business owner, at any level, to grow and expand your knowledge in the field.”
Rachel Egyed
Pop Up Pet Services – Rockville, Maryland

“Kristin is slow & concise easy-to-follow, she knows what she’s talking about! This IS Absolutely a step-by-step guide for everything you need to start a pet sitting &/or dog walking business.”
Angie Dickinson
A+ Dog Obedience School and Pet Sitting Services – Denton, Texas

“Very clear and neat information. Throughout and fundamental for those starting a new pet sitting and / or dog walking business. This course covers all you need to know to start and run a pet business efficiently, teaching us how to do so right, right from the start. AMAZING! If you are thinking about starting your own business or are at the beginning stages of your journey, get this course! It will save you tons of time with the awesome action steps. You will be glad you did!”
Chloe Campos
NYC Cat Care Specialists, LLC – New York, NY

Great Results
“I have seen an increase in clients—6 new clients this week alone. It is amazing to me!”
Sarah Johnson
Pampered Pet Care of Atlanta, LLC Pet Sitting and Dog Walking – Atlanta, Georgia

Goal-Oriented Guidance
“Writing down goals for all aspects of my business was very important. I have now been able to set objectives to achieve these goals.”
Janda Ferris
Leash and Biscuit Dog Walking and Pet Sitting – Sierra Madra, California

Getting Organized
“I’ve gotten more organized and am getting a better handle on my business finances.”
Tomika Bruen
Out for a Walk Pet Sitting and Dog Walking Service – Los Angeles, California

Clarity and Motivation
“What I got out of the CATAPULT! Program was clarity and motivation to get my business out of the ‘stand still’ that it seemed to be in.”
Nicole Halbur
TLC Pet Sitting, LLC Lake – Havasu City, Arizona

Energized and Excited
“This has energized me and given me a whole new level of excitement and confidence in my business.”
Shirley Crane
Dog Silly Suites and Services – Kenvil, New Jersey

Connecting with Others
“It is nice to know that other pet business owners are having the same questions and issues as I am, or will have. You can learn so much from sharing with other pet business owners.”
Lisa Marsella
Sunshine Pet Care, LLC – Reno, Nevada

Moving Past Roadblocks
“I got stuck in a rut and now I’m feeling motivated to make changes in my business.”
Vivienne Moir
Capital Cats and Canines – Edinburgh, Scotland, UK

Learning New Skills
“The CATAPULT! Program provides a great forum for sharing ideas and learning new techniques, helping us get through some of the huge stumbling blocks like hiring employees!”
Jan McDonnal
Owner, Your Girl Friday – Tracy, California

Structure and Balance
“I got more structure and balance in my life and business. I also received motivation to move forward and take action on the things that have been holding me back.”
Zindy Infante
Owner, Fairy Tails – San Antonio, Texas

Making a Shift
“I wanted to learn how to make the shift to working ON my business rather than IN my business, and I got that and more by attending the CATAPULT! Pet Business Program.”
Kelly Winn Catlett
Waggs 2 Whiskers – Bagdad, Kentucky

Beating Burnout
“I have been in business for 7 years and found myself experiencing extreme burnout and having to work 24/7 to keep it running. The CATAPULT! Program changed my life & turned my business around!”
Jennifer Chubb
Peace of Mind Personalized Pet Care Solutions – Billerica, Massachusetts

New Direction
“I was starting to feel stuck in my business as far as where to go next and this class has helped to give me some direction.”
Melissa Hammond
Owner, Backyards to Barnyards Pet Sitting Services – Sterling, Connecticut

Time for Fun
“I have made some changes in my business, including having an action plan each day which includes time for fun and business.”
Kate Fitzgerald
Fairplay Pet Care – Eagan, Minnesota

An International Network
“I really enjoyed talking to other pet business owners from across the United States who were in the group. I am now setting goals for my business and life.”
Kim Panico
Home Comforts Pet Sitting Service – Dublin, Ohio

Aware of the Actions I Need to Take
“I have clear direction and am aware of the actions I need to take and who I need to contact for support, attorney, payroll services, etc. The most valuable piece for me was your advice and connecting with my accountability partner.”
Nikki Gagnon
Fox and Hounds Pet Services, LLC – Austin, TX

I Would Absolutely Recommend This Program
“I never imagined my attitude could change so much in just four weeks regards to my dog walking business. I have taken actions in the last four weeks that I have wanted to take for years. I have so much more clarity in what my business offers, and I am more confident moving forward with our marketing plan than I ever thought possible! I would absolutely recommend this program to my pet business friends, and I have! My good friend, and fellow dog walking business owner, took the class with me and has been raving about how much it exceeded his expectations.”
Julie Slonski
A-Lot Dog Walking – Chicago, Illinois

The Experience Was Impactful
“The experience of taking the time and mapping out my business and life through the questionnaire you provided for the Catapult program was impactful. At first blush I did not think I had challenges with certain areas. After processing the questions for a day, I realized there were areas I simply had no answer, because I did not have time for them or avoided/put them off. Looking at all facets of my life and pet business – and the alignment of these, was eye-opening.”
Robin Lucas
Oak Grove Pet Sitting – Decatur, Georgia

Clearer Thinking and Expert Guidance
“The most valuable thing I gained from the Catapult Program was clearer thinking in regards to my goals. I enjoyed having an action partner and the support of the group, along with your expert guidance, Kristin. I am getting better at setting weekly goals and evaluating them. I know that if I complete my goals I will gain more clients and more money. I would most definitely recommend this program to pet business owners.”
Diane Williams
Mary Puppins the Pet Nanny – Gainesville, Georgia

Tremendously Rewarding Experience
“I learned to become more focused in my intentions regarding my pet business. I feel much more clear about how to get things done because of the goal setting workbook you provided. Meeting with the others in the group was a tremendously rewarding experience. I would absolutely recommend the Catapult Program.”
Violet Goode
Wags Pet Club – Roseville, Minnesota

Way Happier and Less Overworked
“I just wanted to give a huge thanks to you! I took the Catapult Pet Business Success Program last December and it completely changed how I saw my business and it shows this year. Last year I was miserable and overworked and our team hit 85k for the whole year. This year we changed some services around, raised prices, are way happier and less overworked and one month shy of quarter 3 and we’ve already hit 85k! I could cry all the happy tears! Hands down that class was exactly what I needed to get my butt in gear. We’re about to celebrate our 3rd year as a business—3 years and projected to be hitting six figures because of this Catapult Program!”
Angie Allen
For Sniffs and Giggles – Menlo Park, California